Daily Archives: February 1, 2012

Research into film magazines


I have decided that it will be most likely that I will produce my double page spread to appleal to the adults with families and youths. it will be a film review as this I feel will work well as the type of film I have produced. Now that I have come up with the ideas for my double page spread I need to think about what type of magazine I want to place it in. For example a film magazine, gossip mag, childrens comic or a teenage magazine. To do this i have looked into a number of differnt magazines that could be suitable for my double page spread. Which ever magazine I choose will have an impact on the pages  porduced as they may be aimed at a particualr gender, age group or style of film and the pages will have to attract this certain group to read it.

Empire- film magazine

Empire is a film magazine aimed at film lovers, mostly males 19-35

It was first published in July 1989 and is still published today as one of the  biggest selling film magazine in Britain, out selling its rival magazine totall film. Empire magazine is owned by Bauer Consumer Media , who are a large organisation that own over eighty other brands, that cover many differnt intressts and life styles.

Facts about Empire magazine…  Its current editor is Mark Dinning, it is also published in Australia, Turkey, Russia and Portagul, Its frequency is monthly (amount of times it comes out) and  its circulation is 194,016.

In the magazine it has a number of features that appear in each magazine this includes, a top 10 list of anything to do with film, an at home section which covers new DVDs and blue ray films. they argue this this section is a magazine in its self due to the amount of pages it has. the magazine also has a number of competions in which the readers can win film related prizes and vote for there favourite films to make the top list each year.

Would empire magazine be a suitable choice for my double page spread to feature in??- Personally I Think empire magazine is excellent, as it has many new film reviews which reaches thousands of people reading it. It also features upcoming films and major films that are predicted to be very sucsessfull. However i do not feel like my film would go well in this magazine as it is serious magazine about major films, that are produced by well established directors. My film is a light hearted comedy that is fun and a nice thing to watch, not the biggest block buster or an film produced by a well know person. Also I think its aimed at an audeince that are dedicated to films, which is not your avrage family or youth, which is who I am aiming my film at. from looking at this magazine I think I need to look closer at more general film magazines that are aimed at a wider audience and covers a lot of differnt film types.

Total Film

total film is a British film magazine popular in the uk. It is the second best seller to empire magazine and  was launched in 1997. It  features/ reviews DVDs, blue ray, films as well as its key features it covers in its magazine each month.

Some facts-Its owned by future publishing and is published 13 times a year, its editor is Aubrey day, frecuency is monthly and its circulation on avrage is 85,031.

All Total Film magazines all contain interviews and photoshots with well established and up-and-coming actors and directors and features of major films.

These are the key sections within each Total Film magazine..

Dialogue– A section where readers interact with the magazine by sending in letters emails and by voting on their favourite films

Buzz– Is the news section where deatails are given on new releases, upcoming films and readers are given stills fromthe films and sneak previews.

Agenda– This section is for the more “sharper movie fan” It covers less mainstrem films, by smaller companys and indviduals.

Screen– you will find all the main cinema film reviews hear that are reviewd and rated

Lounge– Is the best enterainment guide, with all the best DVDs, games and music.

And lastly there is quizes at the end and a number of fun puzzles.

would Total Film magazine be suitable for my double page spread?- I think this magazine would be much more suited for my double page spread as its covers a wider range of films from both well known directors to the ones that are just starting out. It also includes lots of differnt types of film for everyone, from horror to family comedys and animation films. I think my double page spread would best fit into the agenda or the buzz section in the magazine. Agenda becuase my film is a less mainstrem film. or buzz as my film is new out and I could pretend that i am a well established director with a blockbuster movie coming out.